Howdie Family and Friends - here are the going ons in the life of me. Stew shows up frequently. My family and friends visit a lot. My nieces and nephews are represented throughout. It's all about me and how I'm traveling along in this thing I call my life.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

MMEW 2013: Statement of Intention

I signed up for Cathy Zielske's class Move More, Eat Well last year and completely fell off that wagon.  With the new year beginning, I'm starting again.  One of our pre-class assignments was to write a Statement of Intention for the coming year.  Here's mine.

Hello, 2013, it’s me, Gina.  I’ve been thinking long and hard over the past couple of weeks about resolutions and intentions and everything else that the magical day of December 31st brings.  I don’t know what it is about the new year that makes every one feel like it’s time to turn over a new leaf.  I don’t know what makes January 1st so magical, but the fact of the matter it is, most of us do look at it as a time of renewal.  The old is gone and the new is here.  With that changing of the calendar, we shed all of the failed intentions, all of the bad, and all of the disappointment of the last year and look at that new calendar filled with 365 gorgeously blank days.  We haven’t messed up one day yet.  It’s glorious.  For me, however, my new year is starting on the 7th.  I just want to be realistic with myself.  Stew and I are traveling the week of the 1st and I don’t want to get off on the right foot.  So we’ll take the first weekend of the year to set out our goals and our plans and start on Monday.

I have a lot I want to achieve where my health and fitness is concerned this year and piggy backing on my One Little Word for the year, I want to achieve these goals now.  I’m so tired of starting over.  I read a quote once that said, “If you’re tired of starting over, stop quitting.”  Isn’t that the truth?  At this time next year, I want to have the habits and lifestyle in place that will enable me to remove the resolutions of lose weight and exercise from the list.  I want it to be second nature and okay, maybe it never will come that easily, but once the routine is established and the weight is gone, I would hope that keeping on that road would be easier than it feels now.  I sure as hell never want to be at the weight I am now, again.  I want to walk up the steps without getting out of breath.  I want to be able to paint my toenails without feeling like a circus contortionist.  I want to run around with the kids without feeling like I’m going to die.  I want to hike. I want to bike.  I want to swim.  I want to grab life by the horns and take advantage of every moment of it that I have.  I don’t want something as silly as weight to hold me back and let’s be real for a minute, it is silly and it is easy to fix.  Stop putting in your mouth what you’re not working off.  It’s that simple.  At least for me, it is.  I know it.  I just don’t live it and now is the time that I do.

I love the Nike slogan:  JUST DO IT.  I would only add one word: 


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